Kerrville Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Fighting for Clients Hurt in a Motorcycle Accident

The Texas Department of Transportation estimates that there is one fatal motorcycle accident in the state every day. This is an alarming statistic – motorcycles are said to comprise less than 2% of all vehicles registered in Texas, yet motorcycle crashes resulted in 12% of all motor vehicle fatalities in 2021. Our firm helps injured motorcyclists receive the compensation they deserve. Learn what you should do if you were hurt in a motorcycle accident caused by someone else and the steps you should take to recover compensation.

What Are the Motorcycle Laws in Texas?

Like any other motor vehicle operator, motorcyclists have a set of laws and regulations they must comply with to ride a motorcycle on Texas roadways legally. That means obtaining a specific type of driver’s license (referred to as a Class M license). Those wishing to obtain a Class M license are required to take a motorcycle safety class and undergo a written test, followed by a road test, and must pass all examinations before receiving a Class M license.

All motorcycles must be registered and display a valid registration sticker on their license plate. In addition, Texas requires all motorcycles to undergo a yearly inspection at an Official Motor Vehicle Inspection station, and all motorcycles must show proof of insurance to obtain a driver’s license, registration sticker, or inspection sticker.

Wearing a helmet is mandatory for all riders under the age of 21, although it is important to mention that children under five years of age are not allowed to be a passenger on a motorcycle. Riders over the age of 21 may have the helmet requirement waived if they complete a DMV-approved motorcycle safety class or obtain sufficient medical insurance coverage. Motorcycle helmets reduce the risk of death in a crash by over 50%, so even if you fulfill the requirements to ride without one, it may be best to stay safe and choose to wear a helmet.

What Are the Main Causes of Most Motorcycle Accidents?

Many motorcycle accidents occur due to rider error or reckless behavior, such as speeding or operating a motorcycle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Considering that a motorcycle offers no structural protection to the rider the way a passenger vehicle would with airbags, seat belts, and other safety equipment, any type of collision can be severe or even fatal. A motorcyclist has less than two seconds to perform any kind of maneuver to avoid an accident and doing so while intoxicated or speeding is almost impossible.

It is worth mentioning that lane splitting is also a common cause of motorcycle accidents. In Texas, the law does not use the term lane splitting, but it does require each vehicle to travel in a single lane of traffic. In practical terms, motorcycles are required to travel without sharing a lane with another vehicle, making lane-splitting a potentially illegal and dangerous practice.

However, it is true that a large percentage of motorcycle accidents are caused by passenger vehicle drivers. A car driver may end up colliding with a motorcyclist in a lane-switching accident or while making a left turn simply because they did not see the motorcycle or failed to check their blindspots before executing the maneuver. Needless to say, collisions with a passenger vehicle almost always result in severe injuries for the motorcyclist. Other less common factors that may lead to a motorcycle accident are poor road conditions (such as slippery pavement or low visibility caused by weather conditions) and mechanical failures.

What Should I Do Right After a Motorcycle Accident?

If you were involved in a motorcycle accident, your priority is to get emergency medical help for yourself or any other parties that may have sustained severe injuries. Even if you don’t feel hurt right away, it is highly advisable to seek the help of a medical professional, as many injuries may not show any symptoms for days or even weeks after the accident.

Report the accident to law enforcement, and if an officer is sent to the site of the crash, try to obtain a copy of the police report. If it is safe to do so, try to capture evidence from the scene of the accident, such as pictures and videos. Write down the contact information of the other driver, including their insurance information, and record the contact information of any witnesses. Then, seek the help of a Kerrville motorcycle accident attorney as soon as possible.

How Is Fault Determined in a Motorcycle Accident?

The reason why you will want to collect as much evidence from the site of the accident as possible is that you will be able to strengthen your case and prove that the other party was likely at fault for the accident. Even if you may have partially contributed to your accident, the evidence can help reduce your percentage of liability and maximize the amount you may be eligible to receive.

The evidence can help tell the story of what happened in the moments leading to the accident. Tire marks on the roadway can show how fast each vehicle was going and whether they tried to apply their brakes or not. The police report can provide an objective view of the accident site, including vehicle positioning, statements from each driver, and whether either party was given a traffic violation ticket or found to be intoxicated in any way. When you choose to work with a Kerrville motorcycle accident attorney, your attorney can conduct an independent investigation to learn what happened and pinpoint the root causes of your accident.

When Should I Call a Kerrville Motorcycle Accident Lawyer?

Motorcycle accidents are not something to be taken lightly. Suppose you were fortunate to have suffered minor injuries and walked away from your accident. In that case, chances are your motorcycle is damaged or even completely destroyed. You deserve a chance to fight for fair compensation for your accident. A Kerrville motorcycle accident attorney can help you accomplish that.

For example, if you were hurt in a collision with a passenger vehicle, and you have tried to file an insurance claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company only to have your claim denied, simply getting an attorney involved is sometimes enough motivation for the insurance companies to begin cooperating and agree to pay you what you deserve. Your attorney can also handle every aspect of your case for you, from insurance phone calls to preparing your case for a trial in court. You get the peace of mind of knowing your claim is being handled by a professional and the ability to put your focus back on healing and getting back on your feet.

At the Law Offices of S. Dylan Pearcy, you can rest assured that your case will be handled with the utmost professionalism and respect. Attorney S. Dylan Pearcy and his legal team have helped countless injured motorcyclists in Kerrville and surrounding areas, securing maximum compensation and helping hold the at-fault parties responsible for their actions. There is no need to try and fight it all on your own. Even if you are not sure that you have a case, the team at the Law Offices of S. Dylan Pearcy is happy to sit down and discuss your options with you. Contact the Kerrville office by calling (830) 222-8629 and requesting an initial consultation. We look forward to serving you.